Series Editor

Javid A. Parray
University of Kashmir, India
Dr Javid A Parray holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science and has completed his Research Programme (MPhil and PhD) from the University of Kashmir, where he also did his Post Doctorate Research. Dr Parray was awarded a Fast Track Young Scientist Project by SERB – DST, GoI New Delhi based on the best research proposal.
He currently teaches at the Department of Environmental Science, GDC Eidgah Srinagar affiliated with Cluster University Srinagar. His fundamental research interests include ecological and agricultural microbiology, climate change and microbial biotechnology, environmental microbiome etc. He has published high-impact research papers and book chapters in reputed journals and Hubs as well as having authored 10 books with international publishers and is on the editorial board, a permanent reviewer of many journals and has been an invited speaker at various scientific meetings/conferences both within India and abroad. He has edited a special issue on Environmental Biofilms with BioMed Research International, Hindwaii and is currently Editor in chief of the research journal MicroEnvironer He is a member of the Asian PGPR Society, IJMS Mumbai, IAES Haridwar; Ecobiomes and Ecosystem, Uzbekistan etc. Dr Javid was awarded an Emerging scientist year (2016) and Gold Medal (2018) by the Indian Academy of Environmental Science.