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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Agreement between CERN and Elsevier

Elsevier and CERN have established an agreement to support authors who wish to publish open access. The cost of publishing open access in hybrid journals in the Physics & Astronomy and Engineering collections is covered under the terms of this agreement. Eligible corresponding authors do not have to pay an article publishing charge (APC).

How does the process work?

The process of publishing under the agreement is straightforward:

  • Step 1 – Once the journal accepts your article, you will receive an email containing a link to the “post acceptance author journey”.

  • Step 2 – You will be asked to review your affiliation and funder details. Based on this information, you will see personalised publishing options including the option to publish under the agreement.

  • Step 3 – You will confirm your publishing choices and complete the post acceptance journey.

  • Step 4 – Your institution will validate your eligibility for the agreement

  • Step 5 – You and your co-authors will receive an email to confirm that the APC will be covered by the agreement.

During the submission process, the system will present you with personalized publishing options, including any agreement or offer that you may be eligible for. You can indicate your publishing choice during submission, but you are not required to finalize your choice until after acceptance.

Which institutions are covered by this agreement?

This agreement supports corresponding authors  (see FAQ at the bottom of this page) affiliated with CERN Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet.

For collaboration papers with non-CERN-affiliated corresponding authors, please contact CERN Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet in advance.

Which journals are included in this agreement?

Authors can publish eligible articles  (see FAQ at the bottom of this page) in participating Physics & Astronomy and Engineering hybrid journals.

As part of the SCOAP3 initiative, for fully open access journals Physics Letters B and Nuclear Physics B, SCOAP3 will pay Elsevier directly from central funds on behalf of its eligible authors. On publication, the final published article will be made freely available on ScienceDirect under a CC BY license.

Authors can also publish gold open access in the majority of Elsevier’s fully gold and hybrid journals, excluding The Lancet and Cell Press. Authors choosing this option might be eligible for central funding from CERN or otherwise will need to pay an APC to cover the cost of publication. Authors are advised to contact [email protected] Wird in neuem Tab/Fenster geöffnet in advance to discuss their options.

What are the author benefits of publishing open access with Elsevier?

When you publish open access with Elsevier, you get the attention you deserve. We offer authors:

  • Choice – we have open access journals across every scientific discipline

  • Support – receive expert support throughout submission, during peer review and post-acceptance

  • Visibility – your final published article will be published on ScienceDirect, the number one research platform in the world

To learn more about the benefits of publishing open access with Elsevier, please visit our open access author hub.

Are there other publishing options?

Authors can continue to choose to publish under the subscription model which includes the option to self-archive their manuscript (Green Open Access) in line with Elsevier’s sharing policy.

Please note that for compliance with its policy, CERN requires authors to choose the gold open access route.

Eligibility FAQs