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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Update on the International Centre for the Study of Research (ICSR)

The International Centre for the Study of Research (ICSR) was founded in 2019 to engage with the expert community in research evaluation and societal impact and to conduct and support research in the field.

Since then, Elsevier has increasingly recognised the importance of research evaluation and societal impact to the communities we serve. Moving forward, the work of ICSR will be integrated into an existing Elsevier department known as the Research Collaboration Unit (RCU). This change will enable an even greater focus on conducting collaborative research projects with experts in the field. In doing so, we will simultaneously stop accepting any new applications to ICSR Lab and will stand down the ICSR Advisory Board.

We will support the timely completion of all existing Lab projects and will ensure that researchers seeking future access to Elsevier datasets, such as Scopus, SciVal and PlumX, for research purposes will be supported.

Following these changes, we will work on themes and projects that the research community tells us are important. We look forward to continued strong engagement and carrying out collaborative projects with the research community.

To contact us for more information please reach out at [email protected]