讓臨床醫師掌握最佳實踐和最新臨床指南,存取 2000 多種實證技巧和程序。借助 Elsevier的 Clinical Skills,有助於符合護理師、治療師和其他臨床醫師對照護一致性與能力驗證的需求

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Clinical Skills 的全方位解決方案,將實證技巧和程序與能力管理功能相結合,有助於確保將知識和技能反映於最佳實踐和最新的臨床指南
讓臨床醫師掌握最佳實踐和最新臨床指南,存取 2000 多種實證技巧和程序。借助 Elsevier的 Clinical Skills,有助於符合護理師、治療師和其他臨床醫師對照護一致性與能力驗證的需求
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Clinical Skills 是由專業護理師、治療師和其他臨床醫師撰寫,同儕予以審校和更新。Elsevier 與主題專家和領先的護理組織(比如 AACN、ARN、A.S.P.E.N.、ONS 和 IAFN)共同編寫與更新內容。每年對內容進行審校與更新,當監管或專業實踐標準發生變化時,更新頻率會更高。
Clinical Skills CE 遵循 ANCC 教育設計標準,確保最高標準和最新臨床實踐指南。臨床醫師可獲得多達 1,875 個時數(1) ,從而節省時間和金錢,滿足他們不同的要求。
Angie Williams, BSN, RN-BC, CPN
Children’s Mercy Kansas City 的 經理 臨床實踐與品質
Skills are updated annually or more frequently with critical practice change or new evidence.
Monthly reports provide a list of which skills have changed and the files showing detailed changes.
Yes, in addition to the core collection, you can add the following specialty skills:
Ambulatory Care
Mental and Behavioral Health Care
Home Health, Hospice and Palliative, and Rehabilitation Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Respiratory Care
Elsevier partners with subject matter experts and associations such as American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) and Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) to author & update content. Elsevier’s editorial team, consisting of experienced healthcare professionals, develops a single, trusted source of evidence-based clinical content and tools across the suite of Clinical Learning products for safer, standardized patient care.
Yes, Clinical Skills offers 2000+ skills with 1890 contact hours (0.5-2 NCPD/skill) in the competency workflow, awarding NCPD to nurses as they demonstrate proficiency with new skills.
1Elsevier 是美國護理師資格認證中心認證委員會所認可的優秀護理繼續教育提供商。