Quick reference guide
Learn how to easily start your search from the homepage and use all the features in Scopus with this handy Quick Reference Guide.
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Scopus quickly delivers the information you're looking for from over 92m records. Updated daily, Scopus features state-of-the-art search tools and filters to empower research efficiency.
Having access to comprehensive content and high-quality data is only effective if you can easily find the information you need. Uncovering trends, discovering sources and potential collaborators, and building deeper insights require effective search tools that can identify the right results.
Scopus’ literature search is built to distill massive amounts of information down to the most relevant documents and information in less time.
With Scopus you can search and filter results in the following ways:
Document search: Search directly from the homepage and use detailed search options to ensure you find the document(s) you want
Author search: Search for a specific author by name or by Open Research and Contributor Identifier ID (ORCID)
Affiliation search: Identify and assess an affiliation’s scholarly output, collaborating institutions and top authors
Advanced search: Narrow the scope of your search using field codes, proximity operators and/or Boolean operators
Refine results: Scopus makes it easy to refine your results list to specific categories of documents
Language interface: The Scopus interface is available in Chinese and Japanese; content is not localized, but you can switch the interface to one of these language options (and switch back to English, the default language) at the bottom of any Scopus page
Learn how to easily start your search from the homepage and use all the features in Scopus with this handy Quick Reference Guide.
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