Interview with Dr Emma Emanuelsson
Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath CEP Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Special Issue Guest Editor

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Join us in honoring the groundbreaking work of a global group of passionate and committed women, as we showcase their inspiring journeys and recognize the significant impact they have had on their field. Together, let's celebrate their accomplishments, inspire the next generation, and shape the future of process intensification
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process intensification opens in new tab/windowis celebrating the diversity of career pathways of women in process intensification with a special issue, which will soon be available.
In the meantime, we have created this platform to bring together insights from our guest editors and contributors.
We asked a series of questions, that a few of the guest editors kindly answered in a concise and insightful video. Through their thoughtful insights and shared experiences, we gain a deeper understanding of the significance of celebrating diversity and highlighting the achievements of women in this field.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath CEP Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Special Issue Guest Editor
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Professor of Intensified Chemical Processing, Director of Chemical Engineering, Newcastle University Executive Editor and Special Issue Guest Editor
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Professor of Chemical Engineering, Politechnique Montréal Special Issue Guest Editor
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Watch more videos featuring inspirational women from around the world, who are all contributors to our special issue. Some videos are longer than others, so you may want to take a moment for yourself and grab a cup of coffee! These videos offer a unique opportunity to hear firsthand from eight remarkable individuals as they share their stories, experiences, and insights within the field of process intensification. Each showcases the passion, expertise, and career path of these women, providing a source of motivation and inspiration for all.
Research professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico
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Federal University of Technology, Nigeria
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Sustainable Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Bern, Switzerland
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Assistant Professor, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
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University of Toulouse, France
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Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico
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Universidad Regional Amazónica IKEA, Ecuador
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Thank you to Early Career Advisory Board Member Eduardo Sánchez-Ramírez and Editorial Mentee Sutanwi Lahiri, PhD for conducting some of the interviews.
Discover challenges faced by female academics and engineers, and explore ways in which engineering can be more inclusive. Our panel of experts discussed biases, stereotypes, and underrepresentation, providing insights and actionable solutions for a more equitable future.
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(Panel discussion took place on June 20, 2024)
Dr. Gloria Buitimea - Master of Ceremony
Prof. Kamelia Boodhoo - CEP Executive
Editor Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens - CEP Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Emma Emanuelsson Patterson - CEP deputy Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Enrique López - CEP Early Career Board
Prof. Reyes Mallada - CEP Executive Editor
Dr. Sharon Velasquez-Orta – Snr. Lecturer in Chemical Engineering