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Claudia Gutierrez-Antonio

Research professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico


PhD in Science from the Instituto Tecnologico de Celaya. Currently a research professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro. She is a level 2 professor in the National System of Researchers and leader of the research group Procesos Sustentables de Producción de Bioenergéticos, which is part of the Red Iberoamericana de Tecnologías de Biomasa y Bioenergía Rural (Iberoamerican Network of Biomass and Rural Bioenergy Technologies). She is a founding member of the Mexican Academy of Optimization Applied to Chemical Engineering.

She is the author of more than 65 scientific articles in international journals with high impact factor; she has published three books and 18 book chapters, three copyright titles, one utility model title and one patent in process, in addition to 20 divulgation articles.

She is also a member of the Mexican Association for Research and Teaching in Chemical Engineering; the Bioenergy Thematic Network; the Mexican Bioenergy Network; the Network of Women in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency; and the Initiative for Sustainable Aviation Fuels in Mexico. In addition, she obtained the certificate of labor competence in the ECO 217 standard of competence on the delivery of human capital training courses, granted by the Council for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competencies (CONOCER) of the Ministry of Public Education.


Eduardo: Please tell us about yourself, your research area, and why you decided to focus on process intensification.

Claudia: I am a chemical engineer and currently a professor at the University of Autonoma de Querétaro in Mexico. My research focuses on process optimization and sustainable biofuels, particularly process intensification. This field allows for performing separation tasks with fewer resources, addressing societal challenges like reducing environmental impact and energy consumption. My interest lies in sustainable aviation fuel production, aiming to create biofuels with the same properties as fossil jet fuel, considering environmental impacts and process efficiency.

Eduardo: Do you see any barriers or challenges to overcome to make science more inclusive?

Claudia: In Mexico, cultural barriers often hinder women's participation in science. Despite equal intelligence and capabilities, women face skepticism. Overcoming this requires leveraging our differences to create stronger solutions. Change must start with us; by treating female researchers equally and fostering supportive environments, we can gradually shift the cultural perspective and promote inclusivity in science.

Eduardo: What advice would you give to your younger self as an early career female embarking on a career in academia?

Claudia: I would advise my younger self to seek out and build a supportive network of women in science. Collaboration and mutual support among women can help overcome the challenges and biases faced in a male-dominated field, fostering a more conducive environment for scientific advancement.

Eduardo: What has been your most important achievement in the context of process intensification?

Claudia: My most significant achievement has been the application of process intensification strategies for producing sustainable aviation fuel. This work has resulted in a comprehensive set of feasible production processes from various feedstocks and conversion pathways, which will be implemented to create Mexico's first sustainable aviation fuel hub, benefiting society and advancing the field.

Eduardo: Any final comments about women in science or any particular aspect?

Claudia: To all women interested in science: believe in your abilities and know that support is available. Our unique perspectives are strengths that science needs. Trust in yourselves, and remember that your contributions are vital for scientific progress.

Interview with Claudia Gutierrez-Antonio

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Interview with Claudia Gutierrez-Antonio