Keynote and plenary talks from renowned speakers
Meet the esteemed committee members and speakers participating in the conference.

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9-11 November 2023 | Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference hashtag: #ENTCCONF
Come and join international emergency nurses, paramedics and trauma healthcare professionals at the fourth conference in this popular series to share the latest research, knowledge, ideas, innovations and current developments within nursing and healthcare in both the developed and developing world.
The demand for emergency care is increasing globally. The recent pandemic drew into sharp focus just how vital access to emergency care is and the importance of skilled and knowledgeable nurses. This has been further highlighted by the World Health Organization recently announcing a global campaign to train 25% of nurses and midwives in 25 countries in basic emergency care by the end of 2025. This 25x25x25 emergency care initiative offers a training course for nurses and midwives as the actions of emergency care providers save lives and reduces the burden of long-term disability.
Coming together and sharing emergency care knowledge is more important than ever as we face differing but significant challenges in delivering timely and effective emergency care. This care is increasingly complex, not only in relation to the context constraints, outcome of new technologies and medicine, but also in caring for an increasingly ageing population, many with long term conditions and social care needs. This complexity of delivering care requires practitioners who can respond with an equivalent complex skill set, underpinned by an advanced knowledge base as well as the core caring skills that are inherently nursing. This conference will offer a unique opportunity for nurses, paramedics and trauma care professionals from around the world to network and share innovative ideas and practices designed to optimise patient care. The conference will attract delegates from numerous countries worldwide which will enrich the context allowing sharing with, and learning from, each other.
There will be a large number of presentations throughout the three-day event, including keynote presentations, oral and poster presentations, giving delegates the opportunity to hear not only the latest research or innovation in emergency care in a myriad of different settings but also to participate fully in an interactive program. There will also be an opportunity to attend a pre-conference writing for publication workshop, allowing the participants to engage in a more structured learning and working environment targeted towards getting your research published.
The conference experience is for anyone involved in the delivery, development and organisation of emergency nursing, trauma care and paramedical sciences.
International Emergency Nursing is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to nurses and other professionals involved in emergency care. It aims to promote excellence through dissemination of high quality research findings, specialist knowledge and discussion of professional issues that reflect the diversity of this field. With an international readership and authorship, it provides a platform for practitioners worldwide to communicate and enhance the evidence-base of emergency care. The journal publishes a broad range of papers, from personal reflection to primary research findings, created by first-time through to reputable authors from a number of disciplines. It brings together research from practice, education, theory, and operational management, relevant to all levels of staff working in emergency care settings worldwide.
The City of Gothenburg and Region Västra Götaland will host a welcome reception for conference delegates.
Meet the esteemed committee members and speakers participating in the conference.
Come and join international emergency nurses, paramedics and trauma healthcare professionals at the fourth conference in this popular series to share the latest research, knowledge, ideas, innovations and current developments within nursing and healthcare in both the developed and developing world.