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Impact and Insights in University Rankings

活動介紹 Introduction

排名提供全球研究工作的全面視角,大學則將其作為關鍵表現指標和有效的溝通工具。Elsevier 與泰晤士報高等教育(THE)、Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)、US News、上海軟科教育資訊諮詢公司等多個世界大學排名機構以及遠見雜誌合作,使用 Scopus 和 SciVal 的數據和指標進行排名分析。

除了世界和亞洲大學排名外,泰晤士高等教育於 2019 年推出了與永續發展目標相關的影響力排名,並宣布將於今年秋季與前 Google CEO 施密特科學研究員合作發布全新的跨學科排名 打開新的分頁/視窗。 

M'hamed el Aisati,我們的分析與數據團隊領導者,已有逾十年深度參與排名機構的合作經驗。他即將訪問臺灣,與包括政府及大學在內的研究界關鍵參與者展開深入的交流。訪問期間,他將主持一場研討會,深入探討當前及未來排名計算方法的變革、新推出的跨學科排名,以及透過 Scopus 和 SciVal 對臺灣學校的分析,評估其優勢與面臨的挑戰。 

此外我們特別邀請到遠見雜誌智庫總編輯李建興先生參與本次會議。他將介紹遠見與 Elsevier 合作的臺灣最佳大學排名,說明如何運用 Scopus 與 SciVal 的數據與指標做此排名的依據,同時分享臺灣學校所關注的重點方向及校長們的反饋。 


Rankings offer an extensive overview of global research endeavors. Universities utilize ranking results as pivotal performance indicators, leveraging them as potent communication tools. 

Elsevier provides Scopus and SciVal data and metrics for use in the evaluation of research performance in several world university rankings, including Times Higher Education (THE), Quarrelli Simons (QS) US News, Shanghai Ranking Consultancy and GVM’s Taiwanese University Ranking.

In addition to the World University Rankings and Asia University Rankings, THE launched SDGs-related Impact Rankings in 2019, and has recently announced that it will publish an Interdisciplinary Science Rankings this fall in partnership with the Schmidt Science Fellows.

M'hamed el Aisati, who leads our analytical & data team and who has been deeply involved in partnerships with ranking providers for over a decade, will visit Taiwan to engage with relevant stakeholders in the research community including government and funding agencies. During his visit he will also give a workshop on rankings including recent and anticipated methodology changes, the newly anticipated Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 打開新的分頁/視窗 and the analysis of Taiwanese universities using Scopus and SciVal, as well as the strengths and challenges of Taiwanese universities as seen through data analysis of rankings.

Additionally, we have invited Mr. Lee Chien-Hsing, Editor-in-Chief of Global Views Magazine, to participate in this event. He will discuss the collaboration between Global Views Magazine and Elsevier on the Taiwan Best University Ranking, explain how they use data and indicators from Scopus and SciVal as the foundation for the rankings, and share insights into the primary concerns of Taiwanese universities as well as feedback from university presidents.

We very much encourage and welcome your attendance. Next to the relevance of the workshop topics here will be ample time for networking after the event.

  • 地點 Location: 臺北喜來登飯店 B2 喜廳 The "Happiness Room" on B2 of Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel

  • 地址 Address: 臺北市中正區忠孝東路一段 12 號 No 12, Sec 1, Zhongxiao East Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City

  • 日期與時間 Date:2024 年 5 月 29 日(三) 29th May, 2024 (Wed.)

  • 時間 Time:14:00 - 16:00

  • 參加對象 Target audience :校長、副校長、正副研發長、正副國際長、校研辦公室主管、圖書館館長等相關業務主管等  President, Vice President, Dean, and Vice Dean of the R&D Office, Dean, and Vice Dean of the OIA, Director of the IR Office, Library Director, or other relevant business supervisors as needed


議程 Agenda

13:30 - 14:00

報到 Registration  

14:00 - 15:20

驅動大學排名:THE 與 QS 排名中研究影響力的作用 Driving University Rankings: The Power of Research Impact in THE and QS Rankings 

  • Elsevier 在大學排名與指標的立場 Elsevier’s position on University Rankings and metrics 

  • 排名方法概述與 Scopus 資料使用 Ranking methodology overview and Scopus data used  

  • THE 最近方法論變更-新指標與權重調整可能帶來的影響 Possible implications of THE’s recent methodology changes: new indicators and weighting changes 

  • 泰晤士報高等教育新排名 - 跨學科排名介紹Introducing THE’s new ranking: Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 

  • 分析臺灣大學的優勢與挑戰:從多角度提升排名和研究影響力的策略 Analyzing the strengths and challenges of Taiwanese universities: strategies for enhancing rankings and research impact from various perspectives 

15:20 - 15:30

中場休息 Break

15:30 - 16:00

遠見雜誌與 Elsevier 合作洞察:臺灣最佳大學排名 Insights from Global Views Magazine and Elsevier Collaboration on Taiwan Best University Ranking

  • 與 Elsevier 合作打造專為臺灣設計的大學排名 – 臺灣最佳大學排名 Enhancing Taiwan's University rankings: Strategic Insights from GVM’s collaboration with Elsevier 

  • 臺灣學校對排名的關鍵見解與反饋 Key insights and feedback from Taiwanese universities on rankings

講者 Speaker

M'hamed El Aisati

Elsevier 分析與資料服務產品管理副總裁 Vice President Analytics & Data Services, Elsevier

M'hamed el Aisati 是 Elsevier 分析與資料服務產品管理副總裁。 他擁有荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學電腦科學碩士學位。1998 年加入 Elsevier 後,M'hamed 參與了 Elsevier 在 ScienceDirect 之前的第一個數位期刊平台的建立,後來又於 2004 年參與了 Scopus 的創建。現在,他領導著一個數據和分析團隊,為大型研究表現評估計畫提供支援,並在大型計劃中應用分析工具,旨在為研究機構、政府和資助機構提供見解,幫助他們制定改善資金分配和展示影響力的策略。M'hamed 也是 Elsevier 的大學排名專家,參與 THE 和 QS 等機構的排名分析。M'hamed 擁有兩項專利,擅長產品開發、大數據、分析和服務導向的架構。

M'hamed el Aisati is Vice President of Product Management Analytical and Data Services, at Elsevier. He holds an MSc in Computer Sciences from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. After joining Elsevier in 1998, M'hamed contributed to the realization of the first Elsevier digital journals platform preceding ScienceDirect, and later in 2004, stood at the cradle of Scopus, which he helped launch. He now leads a data and analytics team supporting large research performance evaluation programs, and applying analytical tools in large-scale projects that aim to provide insights to research institutions, governments and funding agencies to help them develop strategies for improving funding allocation and demonstrating impact. M’hamed is also a university ranking expert being Elsevier’s antenna working directly with ranking providers such as THE and QS. M’hamed holds two patents and specializes in product development, big data, analytics, and service-oriented architecture. 



李建興現為遠見雜誌智庫總編輯,遠見雜誌成立於 1986 年,是臺灣最知名的綜合財經型雜誌,多年來累積數以萬計膾炙人口的文章及出版品。李建興於 2020 年起擔任遠見雜誌總編輯,2024 年因應讀者需要媒體提供更深度的解方,故而轉型成為智庫型的媒體,因為李建興也轉任遠見雜誌智庫總編輯。

李建興畢業於淡江大學大眾傳播系,目前正就讀於國立臺灣大學 EMBA,過去更曾擔任過今周刊主編、永慶房屋傳媒中心總監……以及任職於多家財經媒體。

李建興於 2014 年,以「黑心油商的貪婪騙局」作品,獲得第 9 屆消費者權益報導獎特優獎。同年,又以作品「要命的恐怖食材」,獲得亞洲最具權威的新聞大獎之一 SOPA(亞洲卓越新聞獎)獨家報導獎優勝。