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To elevate those in training to skilled practitioners, you need to foster critical thinking skills by providing them with the in-depth content they need in order to find, synthesize and apply evidence-based medicine in their practice. With ClinicalKey, they’re always connected to trusted answers and the most current evidence, regardless of the topic or specialty.
Build their foundational and core medical knowledge needed for board certification with full-text reference books, including:
Braunwald’s Heart Disease
Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics
Goldman’s Cecil Medicine
Miller’s Anesthesia
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics
Rosai & Ackerman’s Surgical Pathology
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery
Find and assess research from full-text journals — including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomized control trials, and narrative reviews — to help them prepare for grand rounds and journal club.
Increase their procedure competencies with videos that provide step-by-step instructions accompanied by full text and references.
Easily create presentations for grand rounds with the Presentation Maker tool, which allows images from ClinicalKey’s extensive library to be exported, along with citation information, directly to PowerPoint or Keynote.