Solar Cell Engineering
Aim & scope
Since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect, researchers have worked diligently to improve and develop the technology required to harness the energy of the Sun. After evolving from bulk cells, to thin-film cells, and then to cells based on third generation organic, inorganic and hybrid materials, the field of modern photovoltaics now explores the development of novel and sustainable cell manufacturing technologies such as multijunction cells and innovative (transparent) substrates.
Books in the Elsevier Solar Cell Engineering series address a wide range of topics, from theoretical explorations to materials synthesis and deposition techniques, characterization, processing, device fabrication, and manufacturing at scale, as well as related approaches to solar energy conversion and storage.
If you are interested in editing or authoring a volume in this Series, please reach out to senior acquisitions editor Stephen Jones [email protected] opens in new tab/window

Scientists and researchers in various related fields such as solar energy conversion and storage, photovoltaic materials and systems (including off-grid, hybrid, and distributed systems), materials for sustainability, nanomaterials in solar energy, and solar cell fabrication, module design, and performance evaluation.
Titles in this Series