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Interface Science and Technology

Aim & scope

Fine particles and colloids, thin-films, and surfaces are of fundamental significance, practical usefulness and theoretical interest. They are of vital importance to chemistry, physics, material science, medicine, the environment, and numerous other areas of education, research, commerce, and government.

This longstanding book series complements the Elsevier Journal of Colloid and Interface Science opens in new tab/window by commissioning timely volumes that summarise key developments and original research findings on the fundamental principles and key topics in colloid and interface science, as well as conceptually novel applications of these in advanced materials, nanomedicine, energy, environmental technologies, catalysis, and related fields.

Sample cover of Interface Science and Technology


Books in the Interface Science and Technology series are written primarily for use by graduate students, faculty, and researchers predominantly in colloid and surface chemistry and chemical engineering, as well as adjacent fields including polymer and materials science, biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, and environmental science.

Series Editor

Image of Arthur T. Hubbard


Arthur T. Hubbard

Former Ohio Eminent Scholar and Director of the Surface Center

University of Cincinnati, USA and

Read more about Arthur T. Hubbard

Interface Science and Technology