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엘스비어와 함께 출판
Step forward: STATdx - Michael Murray, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Michael Murray, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (United Kingdom)

2022년 8월 9일

Please briefly describe who are you and your institution.

I am a Junior radiology registrar working at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

How long have you had access to STATdx?

I, fortunately, have had access to STATdx since starting radiology training.

What are three benefits that you’ve experienced since using STATdx?

I find Instant access to good-quality cases and information regarding radiological conditions at the stroke of a keyboard, very useful. Especially handy when on call! STATdx has both good factual details and good cases for direct visual comparison. Also, it’s a good learning resource for private study.

How do you use STATdx in your day-to-day workflow?

Its main use is for instant access to diagnostic queries. Whether it be me checking a fact whilst reporting, or looking at cases of a condition when searching for a diagnosis, particularly when consultant feedback is not readily available. It is also useful when searching for conditions that a consultant mentions that I have never heard of!

If you had a colleague that was considering STATdx, what would you tell them?

If their institution has a subscription to STATdx they would be mad not to use it, whether that be for study, or for direct help during their working day or on call. Radiopedia is a good alternative, but the information on STATdx is sometimes more comprehensive and immediately applicable to building a differential.

Step forward: STATdx - Michael Murray, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Step forward: STATdx - Michael Murray, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

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