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Global distribution center vendor guide

Elsevier distribution guidelines for book and non-book vendors providing products to the Elsevier distribution centres in Linn, MO, USA and in Didcot, UK.

The instructions specify the various packaging, palletizing and shipment methods to be utilized for all products. Also contained are the restrictions that need to be observed by all vendors.

Any exceptions to the guidance provided must be approved in advance by management at the Linn Distribution Centre, or UK Distribution Centre, as appropriate.

Contact details in the USA:

Christi Blauvelt Tel: + (1) 573-417-3062 Email: [email protected]opens in new tab/window

Contact details in the UK:

Primary: Anna Wojna Tel: 01235 759642 Email: [email protected]opens in new tab/window

Alternate contact: Louise Dearlove Email: [email protected]opens in new tab/window