Conference speaker

Claudia Zoani
Researcher at the ENEA Biotechnology and Agroindustry Division, graduated in Chemistry with a PhD in Analytical Chemistry, she concluded the research activities of a second PhD in Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Specialist on atomic spectroscopic and mass spectrometry techniques and Metrology, she conducts R&D activities on Reference Materials and Methods; measurement uncertainty; food quality, safety and traceability; sustainability of agrifood systems; chemical risk assessment. Scientific Secretary of the IMEKO TC23 Metrology in Food and Nutrition and member of the Eurachem WG on Reference Materials UNI Committee General Metrology. She is one of the 10 Italian experts on Circular Economy selected by the Italian Ministry for the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) for the participation to the Comité des Dix-Italie - Sommet des Deux Rives initiative. Awarded with the Premio Leonardo UGIS for “research and its communication” on 2014. She is the Coordinator of the Research Infrastructure METROFOOD-RI – Infrastructure for Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition, included in the ESFRI Roadmap for the Domain Health and Food, currently funded under the HEu project METROFOOD-EPI. She is engaged as PI for ENEA in several national and European ongoing projects, such as the HEu AgroServ, DGR4Food, FHERITALE and EOSC-Beyond, the H2020 FNS-Cloud, iNEXT-Discovery and FoodSafety4EU and the ERANET SUSFOOD CORE ORGANIC “PROVIDE”. In the frame of the Italian National Plan for Recovery and Resilience, she coordinates the project METROFOOD-IT, focused on “Strengthening of the Italian RI for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood”.