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Sustainability Solutions

Welcome to Elsevier's Sustainability Solutions

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The journey towards sustainable development is filled with challenges that demand innovative solutions. At Elsevier, we recognize the urgency of this task, which is why we are excited to introduce a new article type in a selected number of environmental science journals called "Sustainability Solutions."

What are Sustainability Solutions Articles?

Video introduction to Sustainability Solutions by Dr Michael Bank and Dr Christian Sonne


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Sustainability Solutions articles serve as a platform to:

  • Highlight Practical Solutions that address sustainability challenges.

  • Promote sustainable practices.

  • Feature novel approaches to sustainability.

  • Foster science-driven decision-making processes.

  • Facilitate the transition to a sustainable future.

  • Transfer knowledge from academia to practitioners.

  • Bridge the gap between theory and practice.

By facilitating the transfer of knowledge from academia to practitioners, Sustainability Solutions articles play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between theory and practice, thereby contributing to the development of effective sustainability solutions.

Article Structure

Sustainability Solutions articles should not exceed 3,500 words and may include:

  • Short Reviews

  • Case Studies

  • Analysis of Policies and Regulatory Frameworks

Each article should include a special ‘Recommendations’ section towards the end, offering specific guidance to tackle outlined issues, overcome discussed challenges, and provide actionable insights for policies, further research, and practical actions. A summary of your ‘Recommendations’ section as a list of bullet points must be included at the end of your abstract.

How to submit?

Authors interested in submitting a Sustainability Solutions article should submit the full article via the website opens in new tab/window.

For more information about this article type please read the Editorial opens in new tab/window written by our commissioning Editors Dr. Michael S. Bank, Institute of Marine Research, Department of Contaminants and Biohazards, Bergen, Norway, and Professor Christian Sonne, Aarhus University, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Roskilde, Denmark.

Michael Bank and Christian Sonne

Sustainability Solutions Articles

Discover and download the latest Sustainability Solutions Articles.


For inquiries about the Sustainability Solutions article type, please contact Dr. Michael Bank opens in new tab/window or Dr. Christian Sonne opens in new tab/window.