Title lists for books on ScienceDirect
Our over 40,000 titles on ScienceDirect include Monographs, Textbooks, Reference Works, Book Serials, and Handbooks. Leading titles, series, and imprints are available in multiple subscription or purchase models.
Book title lists
For a listing of ScienceDirect titles in most salable packages, as well as our future planned titles, please see below.
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These lists are meant to provide a general overview of the content available on ScienceDirect. We regularly add and update content.
* Expected titles and publishing dates in frontlist collections are subject to change.
For existing customers: your access may vary based on your location and contract specifications. Download an Electronic Holdings Report for a current overview of titles with full-text access for your organization. View the instructions opens in new tab/window on downloading the report or contact our customer service team opens in new tab/window on our ScienceDirect Support Center.
MARC records
Elsevier is pleased to provide opportunities for automatic delivery of high-quality MARC records to customers who have purchased books on ScienceDirect. MARC records are available at no charge for all books on ScienceDirect. Please note that Elsevier does not provide MARC records for ScienceDirect journals.
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ScienceDirect usage reports
Elsevier is both a COUNTER- and SUSHI-compliant content provider. Details for both programs can be found on our usage reports page.
See also: How to download my Electronic Holdings (KBART) report? opens in new tab/window
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