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For nursing universities and nursing vocational schools

CKS Nursing" is an online teaching material that develops students' ability to learn and think on their own through problem sets, easy-to-understand explanations, and simulated patient charts.

ClinicalKey Student Nursing Japan Hero Image

ClinicalKey Student Nursing Japan (CKS Nursing) Product trial is available. Please contact us for more information.

ClinicalKey Student Nursing Japan Hero Image

Features of ClinicalKey Student Nursing Japan (CKS Nursing)

Problem sets and easy-to-understand explanations that can be used from the first year

  • Contains over 10,000 questions including 15 years of past national exam questions (approximately 3,900 questions), approximately 2,200 original questions, and other memorization card questions.

  • Easy-to-understand explanations written from a nurse's perspective

  • Contains over 1,300 illustrated explanations that students will want to read

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A simulated patient chart that is realistic yet easy to use as a teaching material

  • Realistic yet simple examples that are easy for students to understand, supervised by medical professionals in the field

  • Screen configuration of electronic medical record image. Plenty of images and materials to aid visual understanding

  • By gradually disclosing patient data at the time of admission to students on a daily basis, it is possible to have them create a nursing plan according to their progress.

ClinicalKey Student Nursing Japan (CKS Nursing) teaser 2 image

Problem sets and easy-to-understand explanations that can be used from the first year

  • Contains over 10,000 questions including 15 years of past national exam questions (approximately 3,900 questions), approximately 2,200 original questions, and other memorization card questions.

  • Easy-to-understand explanations written from a nurse's perspective

  • Contains over 1,300 illustrated explanations that students will want to read