Conference speaker

Shizhang Qiao
University of Adelaide, Australia
Talk: Electrocatalytic refinery for hydrogen production
Dr Qiao joined the School of Chemical Engineering of the University of Adelaide (UoA) in March 2012 as the inaugural Chair professor of Nanotechnology. He is the founding Director of Centre for Materials in Energy and Catalysis (CMEC) and Deputy Director of ARC Centre of Excellence for Carbon Science and Innovation. His research expertise is in nanostructured materials for new energy technologies (electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, batteries, fuel cell). He has co-authored more than 496 papers in refereed journals, which have attracted over 90,520/104,878 citations with h-index: 154/164 (Web of Sci./Google Scholar).
In recognition of his achievements in research, he was honoured with the South Australian Scientist of the Year (2021), inaugural UoA Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research (2019), prestigious ARC Australian Laureate Fellow (2017), ExxonMobil Award (2016), ARC Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award (DORA, 2013), Emerging Researcher Award (2013, ENFL Division of the American Chemical Society) and UQ Foundation Research Excellence Award (2008). He has also been awarded an ARC ARF Fellowship, an ARC APD Fellowship and an inaugural UQ Mid-Career Research Fellowship.
Dr Qiao is currently an Editor-in-Chief of EES Catalysis (RSC), Associate Editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry A; a Fellow of Institution of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE), Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI). Dr Qiao is a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher (with 123 highly cited papers) in three categories of Chemistry, Materials Science, Environment and Ecology.