Conference chairs

Prof Robert Crouch OBE
University Hospitals Southampton and University of Southampton, UK
Prof Crouch is a Consultant Nurse & Honorary Professor of Emergency Care, University Hospital Southampton/Southampton University, School of Health Sciences. He is also the Deputy Director of Major Trauma at University Hospital Southampton and works clinically within the Emergency Department.
He has an interest in advanced roles and pre-hospital care; he previously worked as Consultant Practitioner with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance service HEMS team. Working with Health Education England, he is involved in leading the national development of frameworks to recognise and prepare practitioners for advanced and consultant level practice.
He has been involved in workforce development for over 2 decades and has served on numerous national groups involved in multidisciplinary workforce development in Emergency Care. He is a member of the NHS England Clinical Reference Group for Major Trauma. He is recognised a clinical academic and has published extensively in peer reviewed journals. He is a member of the International Emergency Nursing Editorial Board and Reviewer Advisory Group of the Emergency Medicine Journal. Prof Crouch is one of the Editors of the Oxford Handbook of Emergency Nursing. He has held a number of research grants and currently leads the University Hospital Southampton Major Trauma Centre Research and Development group.