Conference speaker

Paul Trulove
United States Naval Academy, USA
Paul C. Trulove is a professor of chemistry at the US Naval Academy. He received his BS in Chemistry from the University of Kansas in 1984. Upon graduation he entered the Air Forcewhere he served for over 20 years achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
While on active dutyhe completed his MS in Chemistry from the California State University at Northridge (1988), andhis PhD from the State University of New York at Buffalo (1992). In the Air Force he had adiverse set of assignments including tours at the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, EdwardsAFB, where he conducted research on rocket oxidizer corrosion; and the Frank J. Seiler ResearchLaboratory, US Air Force Academy, where he studied compact power applications of ionic liquids.His last five years on active duty were spent at the Air Force Office of Scientific Research wherehe was program manager for Surface and Interfacial Science. Upon retirement from the Air Forcein 2004 he joined the chemistry faculty at the US Naval Academy. At the academy Prof. Trulove’sresearch has focused on applications of ionic liquids and characterization and evaluation ofhydrocarbon fuels. He has published over 130 technical papers on these subjects, and he holdsfour patents. In addition to numerous military awards and decorations, he is a Fellow of theElectrochemical Society, and he is the recipient of the Air Force Materiel Command, Science andTechnology Award, the Naval Academy Research Excellence Award, and the George BraudeAward.