
Maria Ángeles Sanromán Braga
Sanromán Braga Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Dr Angeles Sanroman is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Vigo (Spain) and head of the Bioengineering & Sustainable Processes Group belonging to Research Center in Technologies, Energy and Industrial Processes. Currently, her main research lines carried out are Environmental Technology applied to soil and water remediation, Advanced Oxidation Processes; Reuse, Recycling & Valorisation; Green Chemistry and Catalyst.
The results of these research works have been published in more than 300 papers, 5 patents, 25 chapters of books and more than 500 research communications. She has collaborated in more than 50 research and innovation projects at national and international calls and various contracts and actions concerning the transference of technology to business administration and companies. She was director of the Research Results Transfer Office of the University of Vigo and member of State Research Agency Ministry of Science and Innovation in the thematic areas of Chemical Technology (2007-2011), Technology Transfer (2015-2018), and Materials Science and Technology (2019-2020). She is a member of the editorial board of several journals and associate editor of Bioresource Technology.