Conference speaker

Laura Delafresnaye
Senior Research Fellow
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Talk: Multi-colour synergistic, antagonistic and orthogonal photochemistry for macromolecular synthesis
Dr. Laura Delafresnaye is a senior research fellow at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. She received both her engineering degree in chemistry and her MSc in polymer chemistry in 2012 (CPE/University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France).
She pursued with a PhD at the Chemistry, Catalysis, Polymers and Process laboratory (C2P2, Lyon, France), in collaboration with Solvay, Belgium. In 2017, Dr. Laura Delafresnaye joined the Soft Matter Materials Laboratory at QUT under the supervision of Distinguished Prof. Christopher Barner-Kowollik. Since 2019, she also took the role of Head of the Laboratory Operations and Research Coordinator of Prof. Barner-Kowollik within QUT’s Research Portfolio. In 2021, she obtained an Australian Research Council Linkage grant with the company Rockwool-Lapinus and, in 2022, she obtained an Australian Research Council Discovery grant to work on a sustainable platform for microspheres synthesis. Her research expertise spans from macromolecular design, particle synthesis, light-induced reactions to chemiluminescence. Throughout various industry projects, she has developed materials for various applications such as high-performance packaging blister, stormwater retention materials, silicon-based or enzyme-based cosmetic formulations.