Conference speaker

Huu Hao Ngo
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Ngo, Huu Hao (Hao) is currently a Professor of Environmental Engineering and being Deputy Director, Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater, and Co-Director, Joint Research Centre for Environmental Green Bioprocess, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, FEIT, University of Technology Sydney.
He has been elected as President, International Bioprocessing Association, Fellow of International Water Association, and Distinguished Fellow of International Bioprocessing Association. Hao’s expertise and practical experience include advanced biological waste treatment processes, membrane technologies, alternative water resources, resource recovery, environmental impacts assessment, circular economy based clean technologies, renewable bioenergy, and minimization of wastes and emissions. Hao has been named as Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science) in 2 categories (Environment and Ecology; and Biology and Biochemistry) in 2021,in Category of Biology and Chemistry, 2020,and in Category of Cross Field, 2019; Mendeley Data Top world 100,000 Cited Researchers in 2020 while being ranked # 1, # 4 and # 5 worldwide in Waste Management and Disposal, Environmental Engineering, and Bioengineering, respectively (SciVal, 2016-2021, Scholar Output). In Australia, Hao ranked # 1 in the Four Areas: (1) Environmental Engineering, (2) Bioengineering, (3) Waste Management and Disposal, and (4) Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment; and also ranked # 3 in Pollution (SciVal, 2016-2021 Scholar Output). Additionally, according to research ranking of The AUSTRALIAN, Hao has been named as Leader in Environmental Science and Biotechnology (2021), Leader in Environmental Science (2020), and Leader in Biotechnology (2019) in Australia.