Conference speaker

Christian Serre
Université de Versailles, France
Christian Serre, 45 years old, is an engineer from the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de Paris. He obtained a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry in 1999 at University of Versailles St Quentin, France. After a post-doctoral fellowship in the USA in 2000 within the CNRS-Rhodia Inc. joint laboratory, he moved to a permanent CNRS research position in 2001 in the ‘Porous Solids’ research group in Versailles. Since 2009, he is currently CNRS research director at the head of the Porous Solid Group in Versailles. He received the CNRS bronze medal in 2006, a European Research Council starting grant in 2008 devoted to the bioapplications of Metal Organic Frameworks and the Solid State Chemistry award of the French chemical society in 2010. His research topics deal with the synthesis, structure determination and applications, particularly in biomedicine, of Metal Organic Frameworks. He is currently coauthor of more than 255 articles and 15 patents with 24000 citations (h factor of 72).