Conference speaker

Christian Larroche
University Clermont Auvergne, France
Prof Christian Larroche has been has been vice-president of the university in charge of research valorization and technology transfer (2008-2012) and Director of Polytech Clermont, a graduate school of engineering of Clermont Auvergne INP, France, from 2012 to 2021. He is now deputy director of Clermont Auvergne INP in charge of international relations.
He is also member of the research laboratory Institut Pascal and of the laboratory of excellence ImobS3 at the same university. He has strong research skills and expertise in the area of applied microbiology and biochemical engineering. He is author of about 240 documents, including 130 articles, three patents, 16 book chapters and 30 co-editions of books or journal special issues (h Google Scholar = 41). He is member of French Society for Process Engineering (SFGP), of the French Society of Biotechnology and of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. He is also administrator of IBA-IFIBiop and editor of Bioresource Technology.