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Conference chair

Cesar Azevado


Cesar Azevedo


Engineering Failure Analysis and University of Sao Paulo, SAO PAULO, Brazil

Cesar was born in São Paulo, Brazil, in April 1964. Bachelor (1982-86) and MSc (Bainitic reaction in austempered ductile iron, 1989-91) in Metallurgical Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Specialist in Metal Casting Technology, Government Industrial Research Institute Nagoya, Japan (1990-91) and PhD in Materials Science, Imperial College London, UK (Ti-Al-Si alloys, 1991-96). Visiting scientist at Imperial College London, UK (2009-2010) and Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin, Germany (2011-2012). Habilitation Thesis in "Failure Analysis and Regulatory Agencies in Brazil, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering", Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, Brazil (2018).

Cesar worked as a teacher for the Adults Literacy Program of São Paulo Town Hall (1983-85) and a researcher at the Technological Research Institute of the State of São Paulo, IPT (1987-2006), acting as the Head of the Metallography and Failure Analysis Laboratory (1996-2006). In 2006, he became a full-time Professor at the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of São Paulo, lecturing Physical Metallurgy, Phase Transformations in Metals, and Materials Selection; and studying the "Relationship between the properties, microstructure and performance of metallic components".

Cesar was an Editorial Advisory Board member (2003-2012) and Associate Editor of the Engineering Failure Analysis periodical (2012-2021). Finally, Cesar has been listed among the 100 top scientists at the University of São Paulo since 2019 (PLoS Biology), Scopus ID.

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