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 Biswanath Dutta


Biswanath Dutta

Publisher of Applied Surface Science, Elsevier

Biswanath Dutta is a publisher within the Physics & Astronomy Journals team at Elsevier. He received his PhD degree in the field of theoretical Condensed Matter Physics from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (India) in 2012. Following this, he joined Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH (Germany) as post-doctoral scientist. In 2018, Biswanath joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at TU Delft (Netherlands) for his second post-doc and worked there until 2021. Biswanath is a computational materials scientist and his research interests are focused on computational modelling of energy materials, e.g., materials for waste-heat recovery, solid-state cooling and hydrogen storage.