Aldona Ilona Mzyk
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark
Aldona Mzyk has background in biotechnology from her undergraduate studies followed by a Ph.D. in Materials Science from the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. This allowed her to produce, characterize and apply CVD diamond-like carbon coatings in Polish heart assist devices.
Thereafter, she joined group of prof. Romana Schirhagl’s as postdoctoral fellow at the University Medical Center Groningen. She pioneered applying nanodiamond-based quantum sensing protocols to detect free radical generation in living cells and tissues from various clinical samples and therefore answer important biological questions.
Currently she is Marie Curie fellow at the Technical University of Denmark in the group of prof. Kirstine Berg-Sorensen, where she explores the mechano-regulation of cellular metabolism by simultaneous mapping of the mechanical properties and generation of free radicals inside cells with nanodiamond-based quantum sensors. Her academic journey through studies of cell biology, materials science and quantum sensing led her to realization that her research mission is to bring nanodiamond-based quantum sensing into real-world applications, and as such clinical practice.