Conference speaker

Ady Suwardi
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Ady Suwardi received his PhD from University of Cambridge, U.K., and B.Eng from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He is currently an Adj. Asst. Prof. in National University of Singapore (NUS), department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). He is also a group leader in A*STAR, Singapore.
His main research area focuses on fundamental thermal and electronic properties of sustainable energy materials, as well as their manufacturing and device applications. He has published over 90 articles, with h-index of 28. For his research works, he was awarded Nanoscale Emerging Investigator 2022, Journal of Materials Chemistry A Emerging Investigator 2022, and winner of EU-ASEAN Youth Sustainable Project Competition 2022. In terms of academic services, he serves as ECR board in Materials Today Energy and Soft Science. He has also refereed more than 150 articles various journals such as Science, Advanced Energy Materials, Angewandte Chemie, and Advanced Functional Materials. Beyond academics, he is also a recipient of a Singapore National Award opens in new tab/window from the Prime Minister Office for his technical contributions during the COVID-19 crisis.