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Semana do Meio Ambiente 2023

For Elsevier Brasil | 29 May 2023

Environment Week 2023 and the SDG 13 target: scientific dissemination, innovation and research to accelerate actions and drive positive changes

ODS 13

The month of June is approaching and, with it, Environment Week, a global and annual movement that takes place from 1 to 5/06 with the aim of promoting and reinforcing the awareness of individuals, companies and governments to adopt more efficient practices. sustainable for the survival of the planet and, consequently, of everyone who lives on it. As one of the richest nations in biodiversity in the world, with the Amazon Forest and other important biomes, Brazil is one of the important stages for discussions that are expanding during this period, about environmental challenges.

Among the many events that will take over the country next month, the II International Congress of Science, Biodiversity and Sustainability of UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais stands out, from the 4th to the 7th of June, on the institution's campus, in Belo Horizonte .

With the purpose of bringing a multidisciplinary perspective to the intimate relationship between biodiversity and sustainability, general topics will be discussed such as protection of threatened biomes and people, maintenance of ecosystem services, environmental catastrophes, wealth of natural products, use of biodiversity as food, people and traditional knowledge, green technologies, scientific dissemination, innovation and research.

The global analytical information company Elsevier - which contributes with institutions and professionals to the progress of science for the benefit of humanity - is a sponsor of the congress and will also be present at the round table “Scenario of Brazilian research in Basic Sciences in sustainable development: Impact indicators , collaboration and trends”. The topic will be presented by Research Intelligence consultant, Dr. Thais Vick.

“There are only seven years left for countries to accelerate actions and drive positive changes to achieve, by 2030, the goals of SDG 13 - Action against Global Climate Change. Science, research and innovation will be even more fundamental in this journey towards the sustainable and equitable future foreseen by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. By combining our insights into content, data and analytics with the networks and expertise of our partners in the research community, we believe we can make significant progress toward these goals,” says Thais.

In addition to supporting environmental research through its scientific information platforms, and organizing events and conferences on the topic - such as the one that will take place at the UFMG congress - Elsevier has worked on several internal fronts to promote environmental sustainability in its operations, according to the consultant.

To reduce carbon emissions, for example, the company uses renewable energy in its facilities; for better waste management, reduces the use of plastic, encourages recycling and responsible disposal; with regard to sustainable transport, it encourages its employees to use bicycles, public transport and electric vehicles; and has also sought to obtain internationally recognized environmental certifications, such as ISO 14001, which certifies the adoption of sustainable practices in the corporate environment.