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Information overload

15 January 2022 | 1 min read

By Elsevier Connect contributors

Man browsing the internet on a digital tablet

Surviving the clinical knowledge explosion

Over the last few decades, the rate at which medical knowledge has been expanding has been astronomical. The sophistication of digital technology in recent years has aided that growth considerably and it is becoming harder to assess what is accurate and evidence based. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an influx of new data, some of which is not reliable and increases the likelihood of misinformation for both the public and medical professionals.

This surge of information has made it harder for clinicians to assess reliable data and provide the best source of treatment for their patients. It is vital that physicians have the latest clinical insights and are provided with the support they need to define a tailored treatment plan as quickly as possible.

In an article in Health Tech World, Tim Hawkins, Managing Director of Commercial Clinical Solutions at Elsevier, discusses the ways in which clinicians can stay aligned with the latest health information in a rapidly evolving medical environment.

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