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SciVal certification program

The SciVal Certification Program is a six-module online training program that covers various themes to help you get the most out of SciVal, learning about the latest features and functionalities, saving time by creating and sharing tailored reports.

Since 2021, 1,500+ customers from over 31 countries have graduated from the program.

We will be running a global cohort in October 2024, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to find out more.

The program is free and only available for customers with an existing SciVal subscription.

SciVal cert badge

"Before the certification training, I mainly used the Overview, Benchmarking, Collaboration and Trends Modules of SciVal, and always took a slight attitude towards My SciVal and Reporting Modules. Now, I feel that these two functions are so amazing, they are very valuable for the team's intelligence analysis work and can greatly improve work efficiency."


Chinese graduate

What the course covers

The program consists of six modules released on a weekly basis, and lessons are distributed via an online learning platform consisting of quizzes, walk throughs, presentations and short instructional videos. A discussion forum also enables you to connect with other customers to find out how they are using SciVal at their institution.

Each module covers a different topic relevant to SciVal:

  • Module 1: Getting started with SciVal

  • Module 2: Using Metrics in SciVal

  • Module 3: Institutional insights

  • Module 4: Working with researchers

  • Module 5: Working with reports

  • Module 6: Rolling out SciVal at Your Institution

The total time commitment is approximately nine hours, over a six-week period (~1.5 hrs per module). You can complete the courses on any day and at a time convenient for you.

In order to receive certification, you will need to complete all modules and achieve a score of 80% or more on each of the quizzes.

New graduate students are also able to share their successes with peers via social media professional networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook #SciValCertfication

Course stats

"During my training in the SciVal Certification program, I learned a lot as an Analyst and research team leader. I would like to share with my colleagues my knowledge on the formation of research reports, analysis of the performance of our division, which will undoubtedly make our organization stronger and more competitive"


Australian graduate

What is SciVal?

SciVal is an integral part of the Elsevier’s Research Intelligence ecosystem

Elsevier has carefully developed a portfolio of solutions, enabling technologies, and connected data that can accurately reflect the breadth and depth of your institution’s research ecosystem. Elsevier Research Intelligence solutions can bring clarity and focus to research planning, performance and processes.

SciVal provides access to the research performance of over 21,000+ research institutions and their associated researchers from more than 234 nations worldwide. SciVal enables you to visualize research performance, benchmark relative to peers, develop collaborative partnerships and analyze research trends.

Scival intro

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in signing up for or learning more about the SciVal Certification Program, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact us via  [email protected] abre em uma nova guia/janela

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